Creative workshop. Creative workshops for all ages. Led by art educators and finding inspiration from themes and artistic techniques in the current exhibitions.
Guided tours. A guided tour is an inspiring way to get new insights into the art. Welcome by yourself or bring a friend. Free admission.
Family Tour. Welcome to join the Family Tour of Bildmuseet’s exhibitions. The guided tour for families is offered in Swedish every Saturday and Sunday at 14:00.
Lecture. Welcome to a lecture titled Forest Debate in a New Light. With Klara Härgestam, PhD candidate in Rhetoric at Örebro University.
Open Visual Arts Preschool. People on parental leave can experience art together with their children. On most Fridays there is a visual arts preschool in our workshop area.
Lecture. A lecture about the Artist Giuseppe Penone titled Humanity’s Relationship with Nature. With Sara Sandström, Princess Estelle’s Cultural Foundation.
Film. Welcome to a screening of Forest Mind by artist Ursula Biemann, in conjunction with the exhibition Eight Degrees / Contemporary Art on the Forest.
Lecture. Welcome to a lecture traditional reindeer herding in exploited forest landscapes, in conjunction with Eight Degrees / Contemporary Art on the Forest.
Opening. Welcome to Art Friday with opening of two new exhibitions. In addition, there will a creative workshop, Live music, a DJ and food and beverage.
Artist talk. Artist Talk with Aseel AlYaqoub that presents her exhibition The View from Above in conversation with museum curator Anca Rujoiu.
Artists Tour. Welcome to an artist led presentation of 'The View from Above', by Aseel AlYaqoub. Language: Arabic
Lecture. The Relationship Between Art and Mathematics. With Lars-Daniel Öhman, Associate Professor in Mathematics at Umeå University.